Sunday, April 26, 2009

ASTI Royal Court Results

With the ASTI How Sweet It Is prom just ending last night, it is only proper to disclose the results of the votes. For prom Duke is Sophomore Kevin Loh, prom Duchess is Freshman Brianna Youngblood. Prom Prince was Josh Chow and prom Princess was Dalena Tran. And finally, prom King was Monserrat King and prom Queen was Carmen Cheung. Congratulations to these ASTIANS and may their reign as ASTI's royal court be prosperous.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

ASTI's First Annual Spelling Bee

ASTI's First Annual Spelling Bee was a total success. With a whopping 31 contestants, ASTI students fought their way through tough words from various origins. In the end, the 31 slowly became three as the spelling bee endured three rounds of spelling suspense. The three first, second, and third winners were Bronte Mak, Kerry Chin, and Raymond Dang. All three are Juniors and have received their $300, $200, and $100 rewards. On behalf of everyone here at ASTIANS and ASTI, we applaud you for your stellar performance. Also, praise should be given to the Enrichment Branch of Leadership who made all this possible. Hopefully, next year the spelling bee will encompass more of ASTI's students.