Another Week of News
This past Friday was Bonding Day and it was a huge success. All the classes were very enthusiastic about bonding with both upper and lower classmen. It was followed by a magnificent potluck that everyone enjoyed. Hopefully, next year's will be even greater and grander than this year. Also, this Friday is ASTI's Annual Club Day, where the various clubs of ASTI can flaunt its stuff and attract new members. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for any announcements concerning Club Day for more information. For all upperclassmen, please turn in your college schedules to Ms. Ahn or you will forever belong on her infamous "Hit List". All joking aside, it is important to turn them in so that seminar teachers can excuse your absences if you are absent due to a class at College of Alameda. On a more serious note, ASTI has reach the end of its funding from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Now we are seeking new methods of fundraising so that ASTI can continue to run and provide textbooks for the students taking class at the college level.